6 Common Sleep Disorders

Daytime anxiety and impaired performance are hallmarks of those who suffer from sleep disorders (also known as sleep-wake disorders), which are characterized by issues with the timing, duration, and quality of sleep. Many people who suffer from sleep-wake disorders also struggle with physical conditions or other mental health issues like depression, anxiety, or cognitive difficulties. Insomnia is the most prevalent sleep-wake condition, however, there are others. In addition to OSA, parasomnias, NPS, and RLSD are other sleep-wake disorders.


The inability to get a good night’s sleep is associated with a wide range of health issues. Disturbed sleep can be a sign of, or a contributor to, a variety of mental health issues.


Insomnia affects over one-third of adults, and between 6 and 10 percent of those people have a true insomnia disorder.


There are several potential causes of insomnia. Some of the most typical examples are:

  • Physical issues, such as having an ulcer
  • Problems with one’s genes, such as narcolepsy,
  • Environmental problems, like excessive drinking,
  • Psychiatric conditions including sadness and anxiety
  • As people get older, more people over 65 get sleep disorders
  • There is a possibility that sleeping pills will disrupt your sleep.
  • Night shift work has been linked to insomnia.
  • Your ability to sleep effectively is hampered by health issues like asthma.


Insomnia comes in a wide variety of forms. The ICSD, or International Classification of Sleep Disorders, helps standardize the categorization and diagnosis of sleep disorders. The International Classification of Sleep Disorders, Third Edition (ICSD-3) contains the following subtypes of sleep disorders:

1. Insomnia

Most people have trouble sleeping at some point, and insomnia is the most prevalent complaint about this. Trouble sleeping happens when a person is unable to fall asleep or stay asleep despite wanting or needing to sleep. Insomnia can have a wide range of causes, symptoms, and degrees of severity. Symptoms of insomnia may include:

  • Inability to get to sleep
  • Trouble falling asleep and staying asleep
  • The problem with morning people who get up too early

Both nighttime sleeplessness and wakefulness are hallmarks of insomnia. When you suffer from insomnia, it can affect just about every facet of your existence. Sleeplessness has been shown to harm professional performance, impair judgment, and strain personal relationships. Mood and the ability to handle other health issues might be negatively impacted by insomnia. Sleepless people typically have a lower quality of life.

2. Sleep Apnea

Stops in breathing while sleeping characterizes obstructive sleep apnea. Repeated obstruction of the airway during sleep leads to snoring, snorting/gasping, or pauses in breathing in a person with sleep apnea. Weakness and drowsiness during the day are the direct results of sleep disruptions. Clinical sleep analysis is a gold standard for diagnosing sleep apnea. During a sleep study (polysomnography), the frequency of obstructive apneas (airflow cessation) and hypopneas (airflow reduction) is recorded and analyzed.

3. Circadian rhythm disorders

People with “lark” or “night owl” tendencies have sleep-wake problems that make them early risers (lark) or late sleepers (owls). Each follows its own schedule (circadian rhythm) that is independent of the 24-hour day and night cycle.


While some people are able to make use of their peculiar sleeping schedules, the issue arises when the disorder interferes with the hours in which you need to be alert.


Rhythms can also be disrupted by things like working overnight (shift work disorder) or traveling across many time zones (jet lag).

4. Central disorders of hypersomnolence

Hypersomnolence is not a diagnosable disorder but rather a sign of underlying medical problems. Sleep deprivation and sleep disruptions are major contributors to daytime tiredness. Many medical issues can lead to a lack of quality sleep, including insomnia, sleep apnea, and sleep-related movement disorders.


However, for other people, acute fatigue isn’t caused by anything else and isn’t alleviated by getting enough sleep. Hypersomnolence is considered a central disorder of hypersomnia when it is not the result of sleep disruption or another sleep disorder.

5. Parasomnias

The term “parasomnias” refers to a category of sleep disorders characterized by the occurrence of disturbing phenomena before, during, or after a period of sleep.


Parasomnias have complex etiologies that may involve a combination of environmental factors, genetic predisposition, and gene-environment interactions. The many types of parasomnia are as follows: The three types of parasomnias are those associated with NREM sleep, REM sleep, and other sleep stages. Sleep-related eating disorders, sleepwalking, and night terrors are all examples of non-rapid eye movement (NREM) parasomnia. 

6. Sleep-related rhythmic movement disorder (SRMD)

Conditions that cause restlessness in the hours before bedtime or during sleep itself fall under this category of sleep disorders. Sleep disturbances associated with these conditions can make it hard to get to sleep, stay asleep, or wake up feeling refreshed. Repetitive, rhythmic movements that occur while a person is tired or asleep describe the condition known as sleep-related rhythmic movement disorder (SRMD). It’s common for people to do things like body rocking, where they move their whole body, headbanging, and head rolling. Those who have been diagnosed with SRMD often make noises or hum while performing these actions.


Stop wasting time and energy trying to fight off sleepiness on your own. It’s not uncommon for sleep anxiety and self-medication to produce undesirable results. Consult the top psychiatrist online straight away if your worries aren’t going away.


1. What do all sleep disorders have in common?

However, the following four symptoms represent the vast majority of sleep disorders: You have a hard time getting to sleep or staying asleep. The disruptions in your circadian cycle prevent you from maintaining a regular sleeping pattern.

2. What is the most serious sleep disorder?

If your breathing stops repeatedly while you sleep, you may be suffering from sleep apnea, a potentially life-threatening sleep disorder. Untreated sleep apnea causes people to repeatedly cease breathing while they sleep.

3. Are sleep disorders genetic?

Only a small number of sleep disorders now have known heritable causes. Here we have cases of narcolepsy with cataplexy, persistent primary insomnia, deadly familial insomnia, and advanced sleep-phase syndrome in families. As a disorder, insomnia can run in families, and it is surprisingly common.