Activities to Keep Your Kids Occupied During Summer Break

Everyone loves summer, but summer break can get stressful for parents who must constantly find ways to keep their kids occupied and happy. While summertime is a great chance to enjoy some quality family time, it’s also a time when parents have to use their creative minds to prevent their kids from getting bored and causing chaos. Keeping your kids busy can keep them out of your hair and prevent them from getting bored and making their own fun. Here are a few activities to keep your kids occupied during summer break. 

Plan Family Activities

Family activities are a great way to help your kids burn off some extra energy. Summer is when you spend the most time with your children since they’re not in school, so it’s always best to take advantage of that time when you can. Depending on your family members’ different schedules, you may have to plan activities well in advance. Of course, you can also always start a family tradition of doing something together every Friday night, especially while the kids are young. 


Family activities can be anything you and your children enjoy, but they can also be something that can serve as a learning experience. Just because the kids are out of school doesn’t mean they should stop learning. For example, you can teach your children the importance of physical fitness and show them ways to stay fit and eat healthily. 


Not every family activity has to come with a lesson, though, so always ensure you’re doing something fun for everyone. 

Go to the Beach

There’s no better time to go to the beach than during the summer. Of course, the beaches will be packed, but that’s all part of the experience. Plan to spend the entire day on your beach adventure, including packing up early in the morning to ensure you’ll make it before the crowds come and leaving when the sun starts to go down. 


Having a beach day is an important way to help your kids burn off their energy and relax. Don’t forget the sunscreen, though! If your children are going to spend hours in the sun or playing in a lake or ocean, it’s best to reapply sunscreen any time they’ve gotten wet or every two hours. 

Go Camping

In many places, the only good time to go camping is during the summer, so you only have a few months to enjoy a camping trip with the family. Taking your kids camping is a great way to tear them away from their screens and get them to spend time in nature. If your children enjoy being active, ensure everyone packs their hiking shoes and goes for a family hike through nature. 


When camping with kids, it’s always best to bring extra activities. While adults will enjoy some time away from their busy lives, children can easily get bored if you don’t give them something to do. If they’re old enough, you can teach your kids how to start a campfire or roast smores. 

Eat Dinner Together

When the kids are in school, everyone might have busy schedules that are hard to keep up with. During the summer, though, your children might be less active, giving you the time to cook and eat meals together. Family dinner is a great way to spend quality time together and talk about each other’s days. If you and your family practice gratitude, you can also talk about what you’re grateful for to make dinner a more positive and enjoyable experience for everyone. 

Create a Chore Chart

Your children may never enjoy chores, but creating a chore chart can help keep them busy during the times you’re not available to spend time together. Summer is a good time to institute a chore chart because your kids have all the free time in the world, so they can start to learn about the importance of taking care of their home. 


If you choose, you can pay your children for additional incentive to complete their chores on time. Depending on your children’s ages, chores can vary. Older children can become responsible for taking care of family pets, and younger children can learn how to dust the house or make their beds to take some of the additional responsibilities off your shoulders. 

Go Shopping

Back-to-school shopping doesn’t have to happen when summer ends. You can take your kids shopping for next year’s school attire at any point during the summer to get them excited about school and allow them to express themselves through clothing. It’s always best to buy new shoes, shirts, and pants for school because you never know how fast they’ll grow. Shopping is a fun experience for parents and children because you can make a fashion show out of the experience to help boost your child’s confidence and help them discover their unique style. 

Play Board Games

Summer isn’t always sunny and warm; there are some days you may be stuck inside because of rain. Unfortunately, being stuck inside all day can be boring for kids with nothing to do. Playing board games is a great way to spend quality time with your children to help them learn skills like strategy and teamwork without feeling like they’re learning. Also, having fun board games around the house can help you prevent boredom no matter what season it is. 

Make Playdates

Parents often help each other out by planning playdates for their children and switching off whose houses these dates will take place to give each set of parents a chance to rest. Making playdates this summer is a great way to keep your kids occupied while allowing them to make new friends and give yourself a break from worrying about how to keep them occupied. Of course, if your child is playing at someone else’s house, you are expected to return the favor, but strategically scheduling playdates is a great way to give yourself a break from the kids so you can enjoy summer, too. 

Final Thoughts

As a parent, you might feel like you have to always keep your kids occupied. However, a little boredom can be good for your kids, so don’t worry if you can’t think of an activity for them to do every day this summer. Instead, let your kids learn how to prevent their own boredom and come up with their own fun activities from time to time. Letting your children decide what to do with their time can help them figure out what hobbies they enjoy, which can occupy more of their time and energy. 


Julia Olivas

Julia Olivas graduated from San Francisco State University with her B.A. in Communication Studies. She is a freelance writer who loves sharing her passion for digital marketing and content creation. Outside of writing, she loves cooking, reading, painting, and her pup Ruby.