Can I take protein powder without workout?

Protein powder timing is a common topic of conversation in the health and fitness world. There are conflicting opinions on when the optimal time is to consume your protein powder: before, immediately after, or as soon as possible afterward.

The daily requirement for protein for a person who leads a sedentary lifestyle is between 45 and 55 grams, while those who compete at the level of a professional athlete need approximately 120 grams of protein per day. Your protein requirements are mostly depending on your weight, age, gender and goals.

However, a workout is the one thing that almost all of these arguments have in common with one another. There is usually some kind of exercise. Protein is important for growing healthy muscle through the process of muscle protein synthesis and for the recovery process after any type of strenuous exercise. This includes cardiovascular exercise, resistance training, and any other type of exercise.

The question now is, what are the potential side effects of consuming protein powder but not engaging in physical activity? Let’s take a peek at this, shall we?

Importance of Protein

We are all aware, by this point, of the significance that protein plays in the process of successful muscle recovery, muscle repair, and muscle protein synthesis. Protein, like carbohydrates and fats, is an essential nutrient for everyone, and not just for people who exercise or build muscle.

Protein is particularly important due to the fact that it is composed of twenty different amino acids. Amino acids play a leading role in the synthesis of hormones, as well as in the repair of injured tissues, and they are also required for healthy hair, skin, and nails.

Protein is a general requirement, and it is essential to make sure that your diet contains an adequate amount of protein. This is true regardless of whether you need to supplement your exercise routine, want to build muscles, or reduce weight, and so on. It is very important that you have a solid understanding of the fact that the term “protein” refers to a broad concept that includes protein in all of its incarnations, including powders, shakes, store-bought drinks, and so on.

So, plant protein needs to be thought of as a source of protein, not as the main source of protein.

The busy way of life calls for things to be portable and easy to use. Plant protein is easy to make and takes less time than making and eating a high-protein meal.

Functions of protein

Meat and dairy products, as well as beans, nuts, and seeds, are good plant sources of protein. Protein should account for 10% to 35% of your daily caloric intake, according to the USDA. Meeting your protein needs is vital for good health because every cell in your body includes it.

  • Build Muscles: Protein is essential for the growth and repair of the body’s cells and tissues. Muscle loss and other problems can occur if you don’t get enough protein in your diet. As your body repairs these micro tears caused by strength training exercises, your muscles will grow in size. For the healing of muscle tears, an immune response is required, and protein plays an important role in this.  Consuming a greater quantity of protein is essential to the process of gaining muscle.
  • Hormone Production: A hormone is a chemical produced by a gland in one part of the body that assists in coordination and communication between those other parts. The increase in protein synthesis or decrease in protein breakdown can also be caused by hormones.
  • Acts as Enzymes: Proteins called enzymes bind to molecules and speed up chemical reactions. Muscle contraction and relaxation, as well as the transmission of nerve impulses, are all affected by them.
  • Immune Function: Antibodies are specialized protein structures that offer a targeted immunological response against pathogens. Antibodies are produced by the immune system. After the body has been challenged by particular antigens, such as bacteria, viruses, or fungi, the body will manufacture these antibodies naturally. The immune system receives assistance from complement proteins, which act as a secondary line of protection. It is possible for them to break through bacterial defenses, cause inflammation, attract macrophages, and then attach to the invading organisms.
  • Energy: During digestion, protein is broken down into amino acids, and each gram of protein contributes four calories to the body. Consuming meals that contain protein will make you feel more satisfied and can keep you feeling full for a longer period of time. Even though protein can be broken down and used as a source of energy, the body relies on carbs as its primary fuel source. The best approach to provide your body the fuel it needs to function is to consume a diet that is high in lean proteins like beans and seafood, complex carbs such as vegetables and whole grains, as well as healthy fats such as olive oil and avocados are all important components of a balanced diet.

Too much protein?

Consuming the appropriate quantity of protein each day depends on a variety of variables, like age, sex, activity level, overall health, nutrition, and other variables. The ideal amount of protein that you should ingest each day varies depending on these characteristics.

The recommended daily protein intake for adults is usually determined by a person’s weight.

If you consume an excessive amount of protein, there is a possibility that you will have negative health effects as a result. 

This holds true for the vast majority of things in life. For instance, people who consume diets that are very high in protein are at a larger risk of getting kidney stones than those who consume diets that are lower in protein.

In addition, a high protein diet that is high in saturated fat and contains a lot of red meat may lead to an increased risk of heart disease and colon cancer, whereas a high protein diet that is heavy in plant based protein may not carry the same hazards.

If you are not an excellent athlete or extensively involved in body building, it is usually better to aim for no more than 2 g/kg; that would be approximately 125 grams/day for a person who weighs 65 kg. However, if you are an average person, it is probably best to aim for no more than 2 g/kg. This advice seems sensible until we have more information regarding the safety, dangers, and advantages of high-protein diets; however, until we have more evidence about the safety of high-protein diets, this seems like a reasonable recommendation.

Protein for Weight Loss

As a weight reduction tool, the best protein powder is a viable option, but it’s important to do your homework and find the perfect combination. A caloric deficit contributes to weight loss because, according to the most fundamental principles of nutrition and physiology, it is necessary for a person to consume less calories than they burn.

If the total amount of calories that you consume is greater than the number of calories that you expend each day, then the outcome of this over the course of a longer period of time will be the opposite, and you will find that you are gaining weight.

Protein can be used as a weight reduction tool since it speeds up the metabolism and decreases hunger. Protein shakes can be substituted for meals, but it’s crucial to keep in mind that they don’t typically contain the minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients found in a balanced meal.

What does this suggest?

If you drink a protein shake on a rest day or a day when you’re doing less than you may normally do, there is no need to worry about any bad consequences. This is especially true if you consume the protein powder right before bed. However, if you drink high-protein powders on their own rather than as a complement to your protein consumption while exercising, you may gain weight.

It is imperative that you select the appropriate powder for your needs. The use of protein powder could be beneficial for those of us who engage in more physical activity, have a greater appetite for muscle growth, and require a higher daily intake of protein.

Final Thoughts

It is not recommended by medical professionals that you include protein supplements in your diet if you do not engage in any form of physical activity. “If you go overboard, you may end up gaining weight, particularly if you lead a sedentary lifestyle. You also run the risk of developing hyperaminoacidemia, which is an excess of amino acid in the bloodstream, along with nausea and diarrhea as symptoms. In addition, you may experience problems with your kidneys. The kidney’s metabolic rate will slow down if there is an excessive intake.

If you need to take extra protein but you do not exercise, it is ideal to have plant sources of the macronutrient as described above along with the least amount of exercise possible. If you aren’t going to be burning off extra calories through exercise, it’s important to remember to keep the calorie counts low and the nutrient element high.

Author Bio:

I am Meera Sharma, a post-graduate in Health and Nutrition, and an inquisitive person who loves writing. I’m working for getveganway and my forte is digital marketing and everything that has to do with phones and screens. My belief is that one person can make a difference, and that’s why I’ve taken up writing, which is the best means to communicate these days. I have a decade of experience in writing and marketing, and I still find myself learning new things about it, which I want to share with my readers.