11 Camping Essentials for the Summer

Warm weather has finally arrived, which means it’s finally camping season again. Camping is a great way to spend time with family and friends without worrying about anything you have to do back home, including going to work and cleaning the house. If you’re going camping this year, you’re going to need a few essentials to ensure it’s a fun trip. Packing everything you need to pack without overdoing it can be difficult, especially if you’re traveling with family. No matter where you’re going and who you’re bringing with you, you should always make a list of the items you’ll need, whether you’re camping or glamping. Here are our top camping essentials for this summer. 

  1. A Tent

If you’re glamping, you might be able to get away with not bringing a tent, but it’s always a good thing to have just in case you want to sleep under the stars. Most people remember to pack a tent, but it’s important to have it on your list because it can be easily forgotten, especially if they’re in a box in a closet. So before you leave your house, check your tent to make sure you have everything, including the tent, tarp, ropes, pegs, and a mallet. 

  1. Bedding

Some people can sleep on the ground while others can’t. You can bring an airbed or other comfortable bedding to ensure you’re able to get quality sleep every night and won’t have to sleep on the hard, lumpy ground. Always have an extra blanket and sheet with you just in case your tent gets a little wet or dirty. Also, depending on where you’re camping, it might be a good idea to bring at least one heavy blanket just in case it gets much colder at night than it does during the day. 

  1. Entertainment

While spending time in nature can be entertaining enough, you might also want to bring something else to do on the days you’re not spending at the lake. Additionally, it’s a good idea to give children something to do so they can let the adults relax. A few things to pack include:

  • Books
  • Toys and games
  • Cards
  • Marshmallows


  1. Seating

Don’t forget; you’ll also need somewhere to sit while camping. Of course, you can sit on the ground or a log, but it’s much more comfortable to sit in a hammock chair that’s designed for sitting around a campfire. 

  1. Laundry Bag

If you love camping but hate feeling dirty because you’re wearing dirty clothes, you can invest in a wash bag that allows you to wash your clothes wherever you go. All you have to do is throw your clothes in a bag and add soap and water, then swish the bag around for a few minutes. A wash bag can work great in a lake pond, making it easy to clean your clothes wherever you go. However, you can also bring water just for your laundry and save yourself a trip to the lake. Once your clothes are thoroughly washed, you can take them out of the bag and hang them out to dry in the sun. 

  1. Your Pet

Whether it’s a cat or dog, you can bring your pet camping as long as the campground is pet friendly. However, if you’re going to bring your pet, it’s important to make sure they are socialized and won’t disturb any other guests or run away. 


For example, if your dog can’t be off-leash, ensure you have a leash on them at all times, and they’re hooked up to something. Additionally, your pet might not be ready to go camping. Many dogs suffer from anxiety, which can cause them to be reactive and aggressive towards strangers and other animals. If your dog barks and lunges at others, you can train your dog to stop barking and enroll them in a behavior class before camping to make your vacation a little less stressful for all of you. 

  1. Shoes

If you’re going camping, you’re going to end up doing a lot of walking, whether or not you go on hikes. In most camping situations, the toilets or outhouses won’t be right next to you, so you’ll need to wear running shoes that can handle the wild trails to make it to the bathroom in the middle of the night without hurting yourself. 

  1. Cooler

If you’re camping in the summer, it’s going to be incredibly hot during the day, and you won’t have access to air conditioning, so you’ll need to cool yourself down somehow. Likewise, you’ll need refreshing and nutritious drinks when you’re not spending time in the water. A cooler is one of the most essential camping items because everyone needs to stay hydrated, especially when they’re hanging out in the sun and may not have access to clean drinking water without leaving the campground. 

  1. Bug Repellant 

If you enjoy camping but hate bugs, you’ll need bug repellant to protect yourself from bothersome pests. Mosquito repellant is a good thing to have on hand any time you’re outdoors because mosquito bites can destroy your vacation. No one wants to spend the whole time they’re camping scratching at their skin or trying to run away from bugs. Instead, you can get a bug repellent spray to keep you safe from bugs that might try to come near you or your tent. 

  1. Toothbrush

You’ll need to continue to brush your teeth while you’re camping. Bringing along a toothbrush can help you feel refreshed in the morning, even on days you aren’t bathing. Additionally, brushing your teeth can prevent plaque and tartar buildup that can eventually lead to oral health problems, so it’s always a good idea to brush your teeth every morning and night, no matter where you are or what you’re doing. 

  1.  Sunscreen

Finally, sunscreen is essential for not only everyday wear but especially when you’re going to be spending long periods of time outdoors. Getting a high SPF that is environmentally friendly is the best thing you can do to protect your skin and the environment. SPF can protect you skin from sunburns, environmental pollutants, and skin cancers. 

Final Thoughts

Camping is supposed to relax you, so don’t let packing be stressful. Always make a list of the items you need to bring and check them off as you put them in your vehicle. You can also assign tasks to the people coming with you to ensure everyone is prepared for a fun weekend. 


Julia Olivas

Julia Olivas graduated from San Francisco State University with her B.A. in Communication Studies. She is a contributing writer at 365businesstips.com where she loves sharing her passion for digital marketing and content creation. Outside of writing, she loves cooking, reading, making art, and her pup Ruby.