9 Signs You Need a Lifestyle Change

Life is complicated, and many people are constantly trying new ways to improve their mental and physical health while navigating new situations every day. Most people’s lifestyles have recently shifted towards health and wellness, while other people have had to deal with more stress in recent years. While many people switched to remote work and focused on ways they could stay healthy and bond with their loved ones, others had to cope with being stuck inside their homes alone, which might have ignited unhealthy habits. 


No matter how you live your life, sometimes you just get stuck in a rut, and you may not feel as energized or as healthy as you once did. If you’re not sure whether you need to make drastic changes, check out these signs you need a lifestyle change. 

  1. You’re Always Stressed

Getting stressed is a part of life, but it doesn’t mean stress should be constant. Some stress is unavoidable, but stress shouldn’t plague you. If you feel like you can’t get over your stress, it might be time for lifestyle changes that can help you manage your stress. For example, you can try adding yoga into your daily routine to help you calm down during periods of high anxiety. You can also try to pinpoint what’s causing you stress. For example, if you work in a toxic workplace, you might make a major decision to look for another job where your health and wellness will be better. 


Additionally, you could be stressed because there’s not enough time in a day to accomplish everything you want to get done. In this case, you can implement better time management techniques, but you should still accept that you might not always be able to finish your task list. 

  1. You’re No Longer Growing as a Person

Over time we all grow as people, and personal growth is an important part of life. If you find that you’re no longer growing as a person, it might be time to look at your current lifestyle and seek out change. If you feel stuck in a rut, consider where you want to be in five years and start making a plan to achieve your goals. 

  1. You’re Always Tired

If you’re always tired, even after a full night’s sleep, you might need to make some lifestyle changes to improve your energy levels. Eating a healthier diet or working out can help you feel more energized throughout the day. However, even if you work out and eat healthily, you might still feel drained throughout the day simply because you’re not living life to the fullest. A lifestyle change is any change to your routine that can help you feel better, so you might benefit from taking up a hobby you enjoy. 

  1. You’re Always Sick

If you always feel like you have a cold you can’t beat or have chronic headaches; you might need a lifestyle change. While headaches may happen due to illness, they can also occur from stress and fatigue. For example, you can get a headache if you’re not getting enough sleep or constantly working in a high-stress environment. 


If you simply never feel your best like you used to, it might be time to try something new, such as eating more fruits and vegetables or taking supplements

  1. You’re Not Happy

You won’t be happy every day of your life, but you should be generally happy, no matter what. However, if you’re feeling down more often than you used to, or you’ve noticed you never seem to smile or laugh anymore, you likely need a lifestyle change. In this case, you might choose to spend more time socializing with family and friends, which can help boost your mood. Additionally, you may seek out therapy to help you talk through your feelings, or you might benefit from exercise, which can boost endorphins and make you feel happier and ready to take on the day. 

  1. Unhealthy Habits

Many people who need a lifestyle change develop unhealthy habits or compulsive behaviors. These habits signal that you’re unhappy in some way. For example, suppose you constantly use your credit cards and don’t have the money to pay them off. In that case, you might have a compulsive shopping habit because you use shopping as an activity to help you feel better about another aspect of your life. 


Some people might drink or smoke, while others eat to manage their stress. However, for every unhealthy habit, there is a healthier alternative. For example, if you stress eat, you might manage your stress in another way, such as using aromatherapy or taking a bath once a week to soothe your anxiety

  1. Your Relationships Are Suffering

If you’re someone who used to love going out with family and friends and suddenly stopped, your relationships might be suffering. When people are unhappy, they may become more introverted and stop seeing their family and friends. Other people may become quicker to anger when they’re unhappy. If you start noticing that your relationships aren’t what they used to be, it could be because you need a lifestyle change. 

  1. You’re Not Productive

Everyone goes through periods when they don’t feel like being productive, and that’s okay. After all, you can’t be productive every second of every day. However, if you notice yourself no longer engaged in your work and you’re not getting your work done, or your work has become lower quality, it might mean that you need more challenging work to keep you motivated. Additionally, you may simply not be happy in your job and need to assess your employment situation to figure out what makes you happy. 

  1. Your Health is Getting Worse

Stress can make you feel sick more often. However, other lifestyle habits can contribute to health conditions. For example, if you’re sedentary, you may have a higher risk of obesity and heart disease. If you notice you’re not only getting sick more often, but your overall health is getting worse, it may mean you need to spend more time being active or find healthier ways to manage your stress. 

Final Thoughts

No one can be happy every day, but if you get the feeling like you’re stuck in a rut, you probably are. While these are just a few signs you need a lifestyle change, it’s up to you to determine what’s right for you. After all, you know yourself best. If you believe you’re ready to start implementing change, you can start right now. 


Julia Olivas

Julia Olivas graduated from San Francisco State University with her B.A. in Communication Studies. She is a contributing writer at 365businesstips.com where she loves sharing her passion for digital marketing and content creation. Outside of writing, she loves cooking, reading, making art, and her pup Ruby.