5 Effective Ways to Keep Your Teeth Healthy

Are you facing trouble maintaining the health of your teeth and gums? Well, it is not impossible to keep your teeth healthy without good oral hygiene. You have to adopt some effective habits such as brushing your teeth regularly twice for the good health of the teeth.

However, oral problems don’t involve only cavities and gum diseases. Several studies show a link between oral health and overall health. Medical professionals consider problems associated with the teeth are to be a global health burden.

Gum diseases or tooth problems, without any treatment, may lead to pain, and even tooth loss. According to the dentists from hameed latif hospital, these problems can also cause speech problems and other challenges that can affect a person’s life.

In addition, some measures you can take to prevent these problems related to dental care.

Ways to Keep Your Teeth Healthy

These are some effective ways that you can follow to keep your teeth healthy in an effective way:

  1. Brush Your Teeth Two Times

Most people know that brushing their teeth two times a day is the best practice and technique to remove bacteria and plaque to keep them clean. However, in your case, brushing would be only effective if you follow the right technique.

Usually, people take only one to two minutes to brush their teeth. However, it would not be much help because in this short time a person would not be able to kill all bacteria and remove plaque. While brushing teeth, at least you have to do it for two to three minutes in circular motions.

In addition, brushing too hard can also damage the gums and you may also experience gum bleeding. This may also cause lasting harm to the gums.

For taking better care of your teeth, you can choose a good toothpaste and toothbrush with soft bristles. In addition, dentists in Lahore also recommend that people need make sure that they are changing their toothbrushes after every three months.

  1. Avoid Sugary Drinks and Foods

Are your teeth feeling rough or fuzzy? If yes, this is because of plaque that you didn’t remove from your teeth. If you are using sugar drinks or foods then plaque would eat sugar from these products because it loves to eat sugar and produces acid that causes a cavity.

Usually, natural foods are not much disastrous for teeth health. However, processed foods can damage your teeth health. Therefore, it is essential to check the label before buying any product from any store because we think a product is good for health. But in fact, due to the high amount of sugar in these products, they can affect your oral health.

For instance, check the label of yogurt because some types of yogurt contain a lot of sugar. Likewise, many sports drinks are also packed with more sugar than other drinks. In addition, you have to cut your sugar consumption for taking better care of your teeth health.

  1. Use Fluoride

People get fluoride from an element that is present in the soil and is known as fluorine. Many dentists believe that fluoride plays an essential role in preventing cavities. And did you ever notice that fluoride is a usual element in mouthwash and toothpaste?

However, some products, recommended for dental health, don’t contain fluoride, and many people throughout their life don’t use it. Evidence from many health studies suggests that limited or lack of use of fluoride can lead to tooth decay, even if people on regular basis take care of their teeth health. 

In addition, a recent review showed that brushing and flossing without fluoride would not prevent cavities effectively. 

Many communities, that are living in the United States, are adding fluoride to their water supply. Additionally, many organizations such as ADA, WHO, etc. are appreciating this step.

People can easily find that whether the water in their area has added fluoride or not?  Many water companies remove fluoride from the water. In that case, you need to avoid getting water from these companies. You also need to buy bottles of water that contain fluoride.

  1. Avoid Smoking

Smoking, according to many health professionals, is the most disastrous habit for your oral health. There is a surge in the jeopardies of oral cancer, tooth decay or discoloration, gum disease, etc. Plus, there is also a reduction in the ability to health after an oral injury.

Therefore, if you are trying to take better care of your teeth, the first thing you need to do is quit smoking. If you are finding it problematic to leave smoking, you can get help from your close ones.

  1. See a Dentist Regularly

Teeth cleaning and examination are a must if you are trying to improve your teeth health. This examination and cleaning would help to remove plaque and tartar. If your plaque become hard, it would be impossible to remove it by yourself. And to remove that, you have to visit a dentist.